Wichtiger Hinweis für serbische Bewerber:innen
Bio Suisse is not looking for employees from Serbia
An online advertisement in Serbia is looking for agricultural workers for an organic farm in Switzerland. This advertisement is a scam. Bio Suisse is not seeking employees from Serbia. Warning to all interested parties: Ignore the advertisement. Do not pay any money, it is a scam.
Bio Suisse ne traži zaposlene iz Srbije
U Srbiji se putem online oglasa traže poljoprivredni radnici za organsku farmu u Švajcarskoj. Ovaj oglas je prevara. Bio Suisse ne traži zaposlene iz Srbije. Upozorenje svim zainteresovanim: Ignorišite oglas. Nemojte uplaćivati nikakav novac, jer je u pitanju prevara.